New England Aster Flower Essence

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Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | 1oz - 30ml

Preparation: solar infusion in spring water

Keywords: connection, intuition, dreaming

Emotional support areas: isolation due to grief or other trauma, lack of hope


Plant profile

Beginning in August and lasting well into autumn, the star-shaped flowers of the New England Aster are a ubiquitous sight at the edges of woods and wetlands in eastern North America. The fragrant leaves and stems have a grassy, peppery scent and can be used for smudging. When prepared as a floral essence, the aster’s open, radiating nature is a corollary to the individual’s connection to the greater cosmos, the web of life. Grief and trauma can lead us to withdraw and cut ourselves off from others. Aster flower essence can aid in expanding connectivity, affirming our innate awareness of the wonders of all creation. This open, doorway quality also lends its use to psychic experiences and dreaming.

Pink variety: A gentler touch, the pink variety of New England Aster can be supportive when one feels sensitive and in need of reassurance. Especially good for dreamwork.

Purple variety: The purple variety of New England Aster helps connect to one’s intuition, and deepen understanding of relationship dynamics.

Suggested affirmation

I am connected and open to the wonder and mysteries of life.

Tarot card it may help

8 of Swords


All sales final.

Disclaimer: The information provided is based on the historical correspondences of flowers and use of flower essences. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not FDA approved and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or illness. Please use botanical essences under the advice and counsel of your herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and/or doctor.