Blanketflower Essence

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Gaillardia aristata | 1oz - 30ml

Preparation: solar infusion in spring water

Keywords: stamina, strength

Emotional support areas: feelings of shame, guilt, inadequacy; feeling scattered and unmoored

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Plant profile

Native to the plains of North and South America, these cheerful flowers blanket the landscape in a sea of red and yellow. They are resilient and generous perennials, blooming into early winter and offering a reliable food source to pollinators. As an essence, blanketflowers encourage the feeling of being resourced and held by the physical environment. They help us to accept and metabolize the grief process while reinforcing our unique core identity.

Suggested affirmation

It is safe for me love.

Tarot card it may help

3 of Swords


All sales final.

Disclaimer: The information provided is based on the historical correspondences of flowers and use of flower essences. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not FDA approved and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or illness. Please use botanical essences under the advice and counsel of your herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and/or doctor.