Solstice Wort Flower Essence


Hypericum perforatum | 1oz - 30ml

Preparation: solar infusion in spring water

Keywords: psychic protection, acceptance

Emotional support areas: nightmares, insomnia; anticipatory anxiety; acceptance of positive change


Plant profile

As its name implies, Solstice Wort, also know as St John’s Wort, blooms around the summer solstice, and is perhaps best known as an herbal remedy for depression. The plant’s blooms resemble a sunburst, opening each day to arc toward the sun before wilting at night. As an essence, Solstice Wort helps us to welcome in light, to open ourselves to new experiences and the potential for positive change. It helps us to feel psychically protected, as though bathed in the gentle rays of the late afternoon summer sun. For this reason, Solstice Wort flower essence can be a particularly useful ally during the winter months.

Suggested affirmation

I am protected.

Tarot card it may help

9 of Swords


All sales final.

Disclaimer: The information provided is based on the historical correspondences of flowers and use of flower essences. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not FDA approved and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or illness. Please use botanical essences under the advice and counsel of your herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and/or doctor.