Four o'clock Flower Essence


Mirabilis jalapa | 1oz - 30ml

Preparation: lunar infusion in spring water

Keywords: creativity, confidence

Emotional support areas: sadness, feeling numb or hollow


Plant profile

Also known as belle de nuit, or night beauty, the four o’clock flowers more accurately open at dusk. The flowers of the variety we grow perfume the night air with a haunting, jasmine-like scent, and last through the morning before wilting. Delicate, white, trumpet-shaped flowers confidently present vivid, iridescent purple stamens with bright orange tips. Native to the Americas, they bloom all summer long and into autumn. As an essence, four o’clock flowers help with the expression of emotion and creative channeling.

Suggested affirmation

I share my gifts with the world.

Tarot card it may help

3 of Swords


All sales final.

Disclaimer: The information provided is based on the historical correspondences of flowers and use of flower essences. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not FDA approved and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or illness. Please use botanical essences under the advice and counsel of your herbalist, flower essence practitioner, and/or doctor.